Category Archives: About

Amber Kallyn’s New Newsletter


Sadly, my newsletter list was deleted by the service I used to use, and I’m unable to get those emails back.

If you were previously signed up to receive my book news, you may not be any more.




I’ll be sending out lots of book news in the upcoming months, so if you want my book news to come straight to your inbox, make sure you’re still signed up 😀


Click HERE to sign up!


~ Amber


Life and times… how they change

Leaf - 3257708

Last winter, I had a major change in life.

Like, an unexpected move, among other things.

Yeah, it sucks.

But the move is done (even if the unpacking seems to never end).

The good news is I’m back to writing.

I’ve missed it. Writing is my outlet, where I get to be creative, get to know new people and their unique lives, and go on adventures with them for the length of my books.

The best news for the many  who have been asking (thanks, it makes me feel awesome to know you’re waiting), is Magicstorm, Heart of a Vampire #4 is now in edits. I expect a release date in late April.


I also expect to start blogging again!

And if you’re signed up to get my newsletter, there will be some yummy goodness coming your way later this month 🙂

New Release and Giveaway Contest

My beautiful new baby is here.

from Changeling Press WET: Ocean Music

Two selkies, one woman, hot island nights.

Erotic Paranormal Romance (M/M/F) Gay, bisexual and menage romance

Renowned African-American violinist Lilly is swept to sea during a freakish storm, only to be rescued by two playful seals. She wakes on an island with two handsome men she’s drawn to in ways she’s never felt before. Slowly, she comes to realize the island holds many secrets, including the fact her two lovers are, by night, creatures of the sea. And though the island seems a refuge, an old evil lurks in the shadows, waiting to snatch the trio’s happiness away. Lilly, Chris and Brian must protect each other and overcome the evil not just to survive, but to claim the love they’ve found together.

As a goodie for Release day, I’m giving away a free e-copy to one winner, chosen on Tuesday, 8/30. Just answer one question in the comments and you’ll be entered into the drawing.

(As always, my drawings work by me putting names in a hat 🙂


What do you like best about M/M/F bisexual and menage romances?

Monday Updates

I hope your Memorial Day and the weekend has been awesome 🙂

Just a reminder to check out my post about keeping those who’ve served in our minds and hearts. Plus, I’m calling this time of year my Blogversary, so you can win some neat stuff, including a free e-book. Check it out.

I got a great review (my first) for Dragos 4: Inflamed by The Romance Studio: 4 stars. “I love the way Kallyn brought them all back together for an all out magic war at the end. The characters are strong and determined, and while the magic flares up all around them, there is no coincidence to what they can do or not do. Kallyn has clearly defined their strengths and limitations throughout the series. That definition makes for a very honest magical read. Very well done. Summer is coming, so heat up your world with the Dragos family of fire-breathing dragons.” Read in Full here.

And, All Romance E-Books is giving a 50% e-book rebate sale this whole weekend. If you buy an ebook, like, say, one of mine, you’ll get 50% of the price back 🙂 Books for free, WOOT! Who can beat that?

In deference to the holiday, I’ll be doing a post later about sexy and yummy men in uniform.

Thank you and Anniversary Give Away ~ Who wants a free Ebook?

I remember doing a Thank you post last year. Which means I’ve been blogging for a year now.

So first, and most importantly, I want to thank everyone we’ll be remembering this Monday. Memorial Day is a great event. I have family who’ve served. Gladly and with all their heart.

My uncle (married to my favorite Aunt) ended up being deployed just a few months after their marriage. It was a tough time for my Aunt. Even though I was still pretty much a kid, I remember how much she hurt. They talked on the phone and sent letters as often as they could, but it was still a difficult, worrisome time. Yet they loved each other, and their love stayed strong even through the year of separation.

When my uncle came back, they continued on with their lives. Today, after hardships and other trials, they still love each other very much. They have a family now, and I’m so proud of them for pushing through the tough times.

In fact, they are one of the couples I think about while writing… At least, the non-spicy parts, LOL. They let their love conquer all adversity, from deployment to biological factors when trying to start a family. In recent years, with the depression, they’ve faced layoffs and foreclosure, yet their marriage is still as strong today as it was when they said those magic words, “I do”.

They are my example that no matter what, love really can last.

And my Uncle is my example when I think of everything our military gives up in order to keep us free.

So Thank you to those wonderful men and women who put their own lives on hold to protect us.

Thank you to all who give their lives for me and everyone who calls themselves an American.

Whether you believe in war or not, Thank you to all who go out and sacrifice so the rest of us don’t have to.

Politics have nothing to do with Memorial Day. Only thanks does.

And now, for the giveaway.

For everyone who responds to this email by Monday night at 11:59pm (PST) I will enter for a GRAND PRIZE drawing of your choice of one of my Dragos e-books.

I will also enter 3 people to win a complete set of Dragos Romance Trading Cards.

So tell me, why are you thankful for our veterans? Who do you remember the most on these days, and what does it mean to you?

(And remember to leave me a way to contact you for your prize, LOL)

#AmWriting: Back to the Basics Caveat!

I hate Caveats.

Most people have enough common sense to get it without being told. Unfortunately, there are those who don’t always get it, then bitch and moan after the fact for “Not understanding”.

So, here’s my Caveat for the Back to the Basics Series.

You DO NOT have to follow every single ‘rule’

I AM NOT telling you what you MUST do, I’m just trying to help with the Basics

If you disagree with something I say, feel free to let me know, as long as you tell me WHY you disagree. Make it a discussion, NOT a rant.

If you don’t like my blog, NO ONE says you MUST read it 🙂

Anything else I’m missing?

What to write next???

Sometimes, it’s hard figuring out what I want to work on next. The ideas are plentiful, so mostly it comes down to what’s calling to me the loudest (at least, when I’m not working on something already contracted :).

I don’t like being in between things. It makes me feel at a loss. Things get a bit blue as my muse falls silent and allows my internal editor to start squawking his not-very-nice crap. He can make it hard to find the motivation to start on something new.

The nice thing is, as I play with the ideas and one begins to call out, my muse wakes up and tells that editor to shut up. Then, I begin work and life itself seems to pick up its pace.

The rollercoaster of an artist, I guess.

So, my Q4U:

 Writers, how do you feel between projects? If it’s a down feeling, how do you overcome it?

Avoiding Sucky Mondays

Sometimes Mondays suck. Big time. Sometimes, not so much. (It can’t possibly be as bad as last Tuesday, which due to the holiday, got its limelight as a temporary Monday and dished out crap for all it was worth… But that’s another story 🙂

This week, I’m pretty much too busy to even realize it’s a Monday.

My critique group, 7 Evil Dwarves, has begun a new game. We’re pledging to write every single day. Each person picked how they wanted to track their work (time, page count or word count). The average choice is 1 hour a day. It doesn’t have to be in one sitting, just overall through the day. Every Monday, I’ll be listing our stats, per person.

Feel free to Join the fun. In the comments, tell us your daily goal. Then on Mondays, check in and let everyone know if you met it all 7 days, or not.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Also this week:

 I’m a Featured Author at Whipped Cream 🙂 Squee. Blogs and interviews abound.

Prizes: Grand Winner, a copy of my new release Dragos 2: Scorched coming 1/28/11

 Three winners to receive their choice of the following:

Amber Kallyn Ball cap

Amber Kallyn book bag

Small Poster (14×18) of Dragos Scorched cover

International winners will receive an emailed gift.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Today, 1/24, I’m at The Romance Studio blogging

Tuesday, I’ll be at Castles and Guns, discussing the myserious, sexy Alpha Male

Thursday is PARTY TIME! At the Romance Studio. Come read great excerpts, and win great prizes during my Release Party 🙂

And, this Friday for ya’ll who’ve asked, Dragos 2: Scorched comes out.

Dragos 2: Scorched by Amber  Kallyn


A rare Argentinean dragon shifter, Cynthianna “Anna” Hernandez has never known trust, peace or safety, not even by fleeing to the deepest wilds of Canada. When bounty hunter Garreth Dragos shows up during a blizzard, things get complicated as their inner dragons decide they’re perfect for each other. Things get worse when the dark mage hunting Anna finds them, sending his creatures to return her to his evil clutches. He’s willing to sacrifice anything and anybody to further his quest for power. Together, Anna and Garreth must trust in each other or all will be lost to evil. 


Read an Excerpt

Party Baby!

Release day for Mistletoe 🙂

And, last night I found out my short story Alice is available now (See sidebar on the left)

But, today is a Release Party at The Romance Studio.

Come win Great Prizes, Read Excerpts and talk to your favorite authors.

12N to 8pm EST

Release Day, Yay!

Okay, so here it is. Dragos: Burned is live. I’m nervously fidgeting, wondering if people will buy it. Will people read it? Will they like it?

What if everyone thinks I suck?

See, us neurotic writers are truly beyond help. The thing we dream of most also scares us deeply.

I love my story (obviously). Not to say I couldn’t find plenty of things to still edit. Luckily, I’ve heard this is a common mentality.

But, especially this being my first, I can’t help but worry over my fledgling child out there in the world all alone. And I can’t help but worry that no one will enjoy it.

Like I said, call me neurotic.

So, if any of you do read my story, and you do like it — I would really enjoy hearing from you 🙂

The joys of release


Oh, um… not that kind 🙂

Not only do I have my beautiful cover, but this Friday, I also have my very first book coming out.

Woo Hoo!

Okay, I’m back and slightly calmer.

But it almost seems unbelievable. It doesn’t matter this has taken years to achieve. It still feels like it happened overnight. Just a few months ago I received my first contract. Last week, I got the most gorgeous cover.

And now, in just a few days, my baby will be out there in the world for all to see.

Blogging overload

With all this new workload between being published and school and everything else, I’ve been slacking on blogs.

I’ve decided a course of action.

My two group blogs, Plot Mamas and the 7 Evil Dwarves, I only have to post once a week.

Between Higley Browne and Amber Kallyn, I can’t possibly blog every day on both. I’m not quite that creative. Nor do I have the time.

I thought about letting my Higley Browne blog go on hiatus.

Maybe I still will.

But for now, I’m going to try this:

I’ll blog on Amber Kallyn M-W-F.

Higley Browne on Tu-Th.

We’ll see if this works out.

But, just so you know, blogs won’t be going up every day on both.

Q4U: How do you find time to blog? What type of schedule works for you?

This is how we do it

I know there’s a song with that line. But, since I primarily listen to country, that’s about the only bit I know.

If you talk to twenty writers, and ask them about their road to publication, you’ll get twenty different answers. So, I can only comment on me.

Like most, I’ve always been in love with the written word. I’m a voracious reader, devouring a novel a day (speed reader). About five years ago, after being a stay at home mama for a couple of years, I sat down one day and announced to my husband, I’m going to write a book.

He looked at me with a smile and said, “Go for it. You’ll be great.”

Little did either of us know how long and arduous the journey would be. I started a book, hated everything about it, and soon lost interest.

About a year later, the voices in my head demanded attention and refused to shut up. It took me a while to get a good portion down on the page. I still hated it, and tried to revise and revise those first three chapters. Finally, I found out about critique groups.

Those first experiences were horrible.

But with time and patience and great people, I began to find my way.

To date, I have completed 2 Urban Fantasy novels, 1 Paranormal Erotic Romance Novel, 1 Novella, and 1 final draft of a YA Fantasy. I have others in different stages of completion, I’ll get back to them eventually.

For about 9 months, I’ve been querying my UF novel. Sometimes there is good news, other times not so good. I have to take it as it is.

And now, I’m going to be published in Paranormal Erotic Romance. They’re even interested in buying more of my novellas, the continuation of the Burned series, and others that I have “In The Works”

Whoda thunk?