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Love #Vampires? Bloodstorm Cover Reveal and Release Day Fun and Swag!

For those who know me, you may have heard me once upon a time say that I would never write vampires.


Well, I love vampires. Heck, I grew up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer as my hero. But there are so many books about vampires out there already, I was of the mind that I didn’t have anything new to add.

Then Niki invaded my muse and refused to let go.

Needless to say, I’ll never say never again, LOL.

So for the gorgeous stuff 😉

Cover Art by the amazingly talented Dawné Dominique

When duty forces a shaman to stop a vampire from her revenge, love doesn’t just burn… it bites.

For two hundred years, Niki DeVeraux has been tracking the monster who murdered her family and made her a vampire. She finally catches up to him only to face more than she bargained for in a too-sexy sheriff who makes her remember she’s still a woman. With duties as Keeper of the peace and Sheriff, Shane Spencer must protect humanity and stop the friction between the local Arcaine races before it turns into an all out blood war.

When wolves start turning up dead, the tension between the races grows and suspicion falls on Niki. Shane knows she’s not to blame, and it has nothing to do with the primal urges she stirs within him. Working together, they must stop the hostilities from going over the edge. Trouble is, the desires raging between them might prove more dangerous than the surrounding threats.

I really enjoyed spending time with these characters.

So much so, that their friends decided to come hang out and play. I now have a series in mind.

Release Day Info:

My official Release Day is Friday, April 13th.

Yes, I chose that day on purpose, LOL. It’s a lucky number & day for me.

I will be having a party on this blog with a ton of giveaways and blog tour announcements, so check back to see me then.

Also, I have these gorgeous things:

They’re hand made, hand engraved, custom keychain Vampire stakes, LOL. They were so cute, I couldn’t resist. Each stake measures about 2 inches long.

I have 30 to give away on release day.

My Q4U: What would you be willling to do to win one?

Answer in the comments and check back on Friday the 13th to see what I’ve decided, and enter for a huge prize pack : )

So bad

Yes. I admit it. I’ve been bad.

I need a sexy, bare-chested guy in skin-tight leather pants to come spank me 🙂

The good news is, I’ve been keeping up with my 2 group blogs (see the right hand side). The bad thing is, between my schedule and the cold that is *STILL* lingering in my chest, I haven’t updated this poor little blog in a few weeks.

Shame on me.

Well. I have some good news.

Dragos 2 came out in January. Dragos 3 (for which I’m currently doing edits on) is scheduled for March 11th. Eek. That’s only a month away.

And Dragos 4 is slowly being written when I get a few moments of breathing & brain lucidity. Luckily, though the cold is still in my chest, I’ve actually been able to think a little the last few days.

YAY for me 🙂

Also, this week is Digicon, a free online workshop at Go check it out. Publishers, Editors, Authors are sharing their knowledge (and/or taking pitches) and it’s all free.

Plus, I’m giving a workshop this week on the E-Volution of Publishing and what it means to authors 🙂

See you Wed. Promise.

~ Amber

Party Baby!

Release day for Mistletoe 🙂

And, last night I found out my short story Alice is available now (See sidebar on the left)

But, today is a Release Party at The Romance Studio.

Come win Great Prizes, Read Excerpts and talk to your favorite authors.

12N to 8pm EST

Freebies, Giveaways and RELEASE PARTY TIME

Three major events this week in the life of Amber Kallyn.

If you’d like to win a free copy of my new release, Dragos: Burned, click HERE to enter the drawing Tuesday, 10/26. This will be an E-Book, format the winner’s choice


I will also mail you a personalized autographed cover card : )

And if you’re in the area, I will also be blogging at Got Romance Reviews.

This Friday I’m having a RELEASE PARTY!!!!

Friday 10/29, from 4pm to Midnight EST, I’ll be blogging and sharing excerpts HERE.

I will choose 4 winners from those who leave comments to win personalized prizes. All winners will recieve a personalized autoghraphed cover card for Dragos: Burned.

The other prizes are:

Personalized Autographed Medium Poster of Burned Cover

__[CK:GalleryViewLargerImage:1]__ Small 2011 Burned Calendar Magnet

__[CK:GalleryViewLargerImage:1]__Amber Kallyn Ball Cap

__[CK:GalleryViewLargerImage:1]__Amber Kallyn Book/Tote bag

__[CK:GalleryViewLargerImage:1]__Really, really big Amber Kallyn 2011 Calendar Magnet